Stewardship: Tough Times, Unique Opportunities

A pre-virus exercise for a capital campaign client's kick-off event, focussed on connecting
If stewardship is what we do with what we are given, then let's take advantage of the time we have been given.
We are all adjusting to a different way of "doing" church for at least a few months. Why not take this opportunity to inspire a deeper connection and commitment within your congregation? People miss gathering and worshipping together on Sundays, maybe more than they ever expected. Why?
Inviting people to answer “why” right now can be comforting, energizing and community-building as people search for anchors and connections in this unusual time. There are also benefits to your corporate vitality. Collecting answers to questions such as “What do you love about your church?” provides excellent data and direction for your next annual giving campaign, ministry review, capital campaign, or to begin a strategic conversation about what God is calling your congregation to do and be.
This is a challenging time filled with fear and anxiety, but you have people’s attention,online, through videos, email, websites and Facebook. Don’t lose this opportunity! Here are just a few ideas…
IDEAS to Engage in the "Why?"
- Ask members to send you short videos from their phone, saying “Hi” and what they love or miss most about their church. Then share a compiled video through your website, Facebook, email, etc.
- Circulate some interesting church history, “Did you know?” questions. This is an opportunity to highlight the impacts made by legacy gifts (hint: planned giving) and church leaders (hint: laity).
- Ask people to send in their most memorable church moment/story, or photo. This will give you meaningful content to spread throughout communications now and for future stewardship campaigns.
- If you have an annual stewardship committee or are in the middle of a capital campaign, stay the course! You may need to modify your plan and timeline, but continue to develop your story and materials that explain "the why" for support. Gather cost estimates and recruit volunteers, before people resume their busy daily routines.
- When we are able to gather again, celebrate with Easter Sunday liturgy and music. Make sure to let your Chreasters know! (you know, C & E’s) Perhaps dedicate the offering to an immediate local need.
Want to brainstorm? Is your church doing something unique you are willing to share? Call or email any one of us. We’d love to hear from you.