There was a fantastic team involved in getting us to this point and I want to thank you especially for your wonderful guidance, your wise and non-anxious presence, and the down-to-earth approach you took with our team members and interviewees. I am absolutely certain that your influence gave confidence and energy to everyone involved—which in turn ensured our success.
The Rev. Kate Atkinson, Rector, St. Paul’s Concord NH
God-Centered Consulting
for Communities of Faith
Core Capital Campaigns is a collaboration of three experienced church consultants offering a proven—Discern, Study and Ask—methodology for successful, faith-focused capital campaigns to fund a congregation’s vision. While we each work as individuals, Core allows us to share customized strategies as we innovate and discern together how to better respond to the needs of a changing church. With professional training, fundraising tools and prayerful encouragement your community can take the bold steps needed to reach your financial and ministry goals.
We understand the challenges of discerning a path forward, and we know from experience that every faith community can be transformed by a shared, hope-filled vision that emerges through the process of a successful capital campaign. We consider a campaign successful when it has not only reached its financial goal, but has also involved a wide range of supporters, strengthened relationships and leadership structure, and produced a sense of community accomplishment.
Where is God calling you today? We want to hear your story. We can offer some perspective and discuss how our strategic, spirit-centered approach can guide you in funding your vision.
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