A Capital Campaign? Now?

If you're thinking "this is no time for a capital campaign" but know you have capital needs that must be addressed, think again. This may or may not be an ideal time to ask for additional financial commitments, but it is a perfect time to start planning.

If you have done all the preparation and have delayed asking for pledges, it may be time to work out a new way to ask. It could be that your people have never been more connected to their church and missing their church building. Organizations dear to people's hearts are having surprisingly successful remote fundraisers. There are some new ways to "make an ask" that may be more convenient than before the Covid-19 pandemic.

Even good ideas and worthy projects can fail if forced from above without involvement and ownership by those who will eventually be asked to fund a forthcoming campaign. People give to people, not to buildings. People give most generously from their hearts, and people’s hearts are best stirred when they are involved in the planning process and feel a sense of ownership in the project.

Engaging in Conversation

This may be the perfect time to ask people to reflect on why their church matters and what God is calling you to do and be as a community. Why?

  • We may not be able to gather in person for discussions, but one thing most of our parishioners have learned and embraced during this challenging time is how to use group video technology.
  • Finding time in our hectic schedules is one of the biggest challenges when trying to set up discussion groups. It’s much less of a challenge now for many people.
  • People are eager for interaction, and conversations about faith and the future are happening anyway.

Immediate Building Need?

If you are considering dipping into your endowment to take care of an emergency building need, that may not be the most prudent option.

  • A targeted fundraiser may be compelling for members as they prepare to return to church. I have spoken to many churches that say they are receiving large unsolicited gifts from people wanting to support whatever needs supporting.
  • Low interest loans may be a better option, giving time for the economy and your endowment to recover, and planning for a capital campaign to repay a loan.
  • Construction work may be discounted at this time, and it won’t disturb services.
  • Leslie Pendleton

Free Consultation

We want to help you figure out a new solution to your needs. We are offering a complimentary one-hour phone or video consultation about any aspect of fundraising, strategic visioning or stewardship needs. Please email or call one of us to set up an appointment:

We’re here to help you fund your vision.