Leadership is Teamwork in a Capital Campaign

Leadership is Teamwork in a Capital Campaign

“The ability of people to do remarkable things hinges on how well they pull together as a team. A team is not a group of people who work together.  A team is a group of people who trust each other.”   Simon Sinek

A capital campaign is major undertaking in trust.  First we must place our trust in God to breathe wisdom, creativity, energy and generosity into our efforts to build God’s kingdom and serve a world overflowing with need.

A capital campaign asks people to trust their leaders as together your community creates a vision and plan for the future.  To execute your capital campaign leaders will ask everyone to contribute their time, talents and hard earned financial resources to make the agreed vision and plans a reality.  The future of our church depends on leaders who inspire trust in people to joyfully participate and make the capital campaign process successful.

Here are FIVE best practices to ensure your church has a trusted team to lead your campaign:

  1. Your priest should be and integral part of the campaign leadership team, but clergy and staff already have a full-time role and should not be expected to run a campaign alone. 
  2. Strong lay leadership from Vestry recruits and supports a trusted campaign leadership team.  This is key if a campaign happens during a clergy transition or your clergy is part-time.  Yes, a successful capital campaign is possible in the absence of permanent clergy!
  3. Church, by its nature is about relationship and community building.  Leadership of a campaign will result in identifying new leaders,  stronger relationships between members, and a clearer sense of community identity and purpose.
  4. Hire a professional fundraising consultant with experience in leading faith-based campaigns. A good fundraiser can help you get started, navigate tough issues, support leadership, and offer best practices throughout to maximize results.
  5. Pray! Cultivate a spiritually grounded campaign from the start, driven by the question “What is God calling our church to be and do through a capital campaign?”

Leadership and Fundraising

How YOU can model leadership in fundraising?

For everything, there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. Ecclesiates 3:1

Lead by planning

  • Create a compelling fundraising plan that reaches all members of the congregation 
  • Involve new faces who can bring new ideas and energy to your efforts,
  • Try something new in your fundraising campaign. How about a ‘money minute’ homily?
  • Include online giving options to attract new members and those who joined online services during the pandemic

Lead with a Vision

  • Is your vision for the future Spirit-centered, future-focused and inclusive?
  • Be articulate about WHY you personally support the vision 
  • Find ways to share the vision with everyone. Do you teach children the value of giving?
  • Does your plan include ways of talking about money with those unfamiliar with stewardship?

Lead by Giving

  • Always make your own gift first after prayerful reflection
  • Try to increase the amount you give from the previous year
  • Be clear that giving includes time, talent and treasure
  • Invite everyone who is part of your community to give, no matter the size of their gift 
  • How easy for people of all generations to give in ways that speak to them? 

Lead with Prayer and Thanksgiving

  • Center your stewardship work in prayer, expressed in both corporate and personal prayer
  • Do you value the giver?  Thank every giver in various ways for all their gifts
  • Ask God’s blessing on the gifts and pledges received on a specific day of celebration
  • Make it FUN for everyone, through a shared meal, acknowledgement or special event
  • Have you challenged people to find joy in giving their resources to do God’s work?